Monday, January 13, 2014

Guns, Germs, and Steel


Today in class we watched a video called guns, germs, and steel. We watched almost the entire video, stopping it with about 4 minutes left. After we watched it we were told to go on Mr. Schick's blog. There I saw that we were supposed to only watch about 22 minutes, but oh well. Also the video didn't really have anything to do with guns or germs and only highlighted steel just a little bit. Anyway to answer the question that was posted on the blog I think that both agree and disagree with Diamond's explanation. I think that as the whole farming thing went along I think that definitely played a major role in developing the world. I also think though that the people in each civilization definitely helped the cause. I don't think he is right in saying that farming is the only thing that created it. I think that life would be a lot different without all of that happening though. But I don't believe that without all of that stuff that I would maybe not be the same, but I do think that civilization and life could also be very different than it is today. I took a lot of notes on it, which I don't really like doing but I think that we will have a quiz on is Wednesday so those notes could really come in handy.

Tomorrow I hope that Mr. Schick is here and we can go over the video and finish it and talk about how it ties in to all of Urban Geography.

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