Monday, January 6, 2014

Urban Civilization


Today in Human Geo it was our first day back. Today we talked about people that live in urban civilizations. I learned that now for the first time, more than 50% of the world now lives in cities rather than in rural areas or the suburbs. The reason that it is only like this in times like today is because many places are not as developed now as we are. Many people lived in rural areas back in the past because of an ample supply of food and this way they did not have to be nomads and could settle down and actually have a home, because they had enough food for the people that lived in the area. That is why people used to always live in rural areas. Now there are many jobs and many things that seem very nice to many citizens. Many jobs are located in cities and while it is much more expensive living, many people in cities aren't of equal worth of others that are live there so there is a lot of diversity in cities and many people like that.

This is what I learned and I hope to learn more about Urban Civilization in our next class.

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