Friday, December 13, 2013

Exam Review


Today we review for our exam. Mr. Schick finally posted a study guide on his blog, but it had no information. It was just everything that we learned. If I would have known that the study guide would just be him putting what we have learned on it I wouldn't have waited for it. I don't know why it took so long for him to do this, I thought that it would have a bit of notes on the things we learned, but no. Even though this is too bad, most of the notes that I have on the things we have learned are either in my notebook, blog, or on a powerpoint that he made that is posted on his blog. I believe that I am going to do very well. He basically just sped through the study guide as fast as he could which didn't really help but I don't think he really had a choice. Although I think that I will do very well on the exam even though it is a lot of information.

He said we will review again on Monday if we have school because of the snow, I hope we can review more.

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