Saturday, September 14, 2013

More Globalization


Yesterday in class we talked more about globalization. We formed groups to make a project about whether or not we thought that it was a good idea. I believe that it is. If we didn't continue to help out so many other countries I think our world would fall apart. Since we help so many other countries I think that if we would just stop helping them, then more people would go to war, because then they wouldn't have the protection of us and then other countries that are in conflict with them would then attack, because they don't have a good enough army to sustain their people. Then they would stop exports to our countries and we would not get many of the things that we need in our county that is essential. After reading that I would think that you would agree with me. You may not believe me, but so many things that we have in the U.S. come from other countries. This is why I think it is essential to use globalization in our country.

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