Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Academic Team/Microfinance


Today in class we went over a presentation that Mr. Schick made. We didn't do much other than that. In the beginning of the class however we talked about the academic team that Mr. Schick runs. He told us about how some people just hang around and only answer about 1 answer correct. Then he talked about how John Carroll has won a lot of the matches that they have played against other schools. One of our matches was even filmed and we got on a popular TV show called "It's Academic." Also in that match that was filmed we won! I think that I may watch the episode that is on TV even though it is on a Saturday. I watched one episode and it was very boring, but I think it would be better watching people that I actually know on the show!

We don't have class tomorrow but we have a test on microfinance Friday!

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