Friday, December 6, 2013

Test Today!


Today we took a test on micro finance. I didn't think that it was very hard and I think that it was a good way to get some extra points in the class. Before, Mr. Schick gave us some time to study our notes. I think he did this because it had a lot to do on Kiva. Some of the questions asked for like specific number answers. When I turned it in I was almost positive that I got a 100% and if I didn't I was 100% positive that I at least got an A. After Arri was done Mr. Schick went over and graded all of our tests. After he announced what we got I found out that I got a 100%! I was very happy that I got a 100% because that will very much help out my grade. I was about 1 of 3 that got a 100% on the test and it will most likely bring my grade up to an A.

I hope we go over microfinance more on Monday because I think we need to learn more about it.

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