Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Going Over the Test and Exam Study Guide


Today, in class, we went over the test. Today was an unproductive day because I got a 100% on the test and there wasn't anything that I didn't understand. So while everyone went over it I didn't really pay that much attention to the answers because I had all of the right ones. So this class was fun because I really slacked off. I also got to listen to Grace rant at lunch about her test, which was interesting. Also I thought that we were going to get the exam study guide, but then Mr. Schick told us that he will post it on the blog. It would have been better if he just gave us a written copy, but this is fine. I just hope that he finishes it fast so that I can start studying.

I hope we have a good class tomorrow or he finishes the exam study guide!

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