Thursday, January 16, 2014

Being Sick.


So for the last 2 days I have been sick. I'm not happy about missing Human Geo knowing that we have a test tomorrow, so I didn't get any review. I don't know if he will make me do the test but I hope not because I haven't studied and I have 2 other tests I need to take tomorrow so I hope I don't need to. I believe I will make it in tomorrow, but we will see.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Going Over Video


Today we didn't really do much. We went over the video that we watched on Monday, but other than a minor review we didn't do much. Other than that Grace ranted a lot, as usual. She almost got on the subject of the NFL, which would not have been good because she gets really mad at things like that, don't know why. Also we got our test moved to Friday so that is a big plus!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Guns, Germs, and Steel


Today in class we watched a video called guns, germs, and steel. We watched almost the entire video, stopping it with about 4 minutes left. After we watched it we were told to go on Mr. Schick's blog. There I saw that we were supposed to only watch about 22 minutes, but oh well. Also the video didn't really have anything to do with guns or germs and only highlighted steel just a little bit. Anyway to answer the question that was posted on the blog I think that both agree and disagree with Diamond's explanation. I think that as the whole farming thing went along I think that definitely played a major role in developing the world. I also think though that the people in each civilization definitely helped the cause. I don't think he is right in saying that farming is the only thing that created it. I think that life would be a lot different without all of that happening though. But I don't believe that without all of that stuff that I would maybe not be the same, but I do think that civilization and life could also be very different than it is today. I took a lot of notes on it, which I don't really like doing but I think that we will have a quiz on is Wednesday so those notes could really come in handy.

Tomorrow I hope that Mr. Schick is here and we can go over the video and finish it and talk about how it ties in to all of Urban Geography.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Urban Civilization


Today in Human Geo it was our first day back. Today we talked about people that live in urban civilizations. I learned that now for the first time, more than 50% of the world now lives in cities rather than in rural areas or the suburbs. The reason that it is only like this in times like today is because many places are not as developed now as we are. Many people lived in rural areas back in the past because of an ample supply of food and this way they did not have to be nomads and could settle down and actually have a home, because they had enough food for the people that lived in the area. That is why people used to always live in rural areas. Now there are many jobs and many things that seem very nice to many citizens. Many jobs are located in cities and while it is much more expensive living, many people in cities aren't of equal worth of others that are live there so there is a lot of diversity in cities and many people like that.

This is what I learned and I hope to learn more about Urban Civilization in our next class.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Exam Review


Today we review for our exam. Mr. Schick finally posted a study guide on his blog, but it had no information. It was just everything that we learned. If I would have known that the study guide would just be him putting what we have learned on it I wouldn't have waited for it. I don't know why it took so long for him to do this, I thought that it would have a bit of notes on the things we learned, but no. Even though this is too bad, most of the notes that I have on the things we have learned are either in my notebook, blog, or on a powerpoint that he made that is posted on his blog. I believe that I am going to do very well. He basically just sped through the study guide as fast as he could which didn't really help but I don't think he really had a choice. Although I think that I will do very well on the exam even though it is a lot of information.

He said we will review again on Monday if we have school because of the snow, I hope we can review more.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Going Over the Test and Exam Study Guide


Today, in class, we went over the test. Today was an unproductive day because I got a 100% on the test and there wasn't anything that I didn't understand. So while everyone went over it I didn't really pay that much attention to the answers because I had all of the right ones. So this class was fun because I really slacked off. I also got to listen to Grace rant at lunch about her test, which was interesting. Also I thought that we were going to get the exam study guide, but then Mr. Schick told us that he will post it on the blog. It would have been better if he just gave us a written copy, but this is fine. I just hope that he finishes it fast so that I can start studying.

I hope we have a good class tomorrow or he finishes the exam study guide!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Test Today!


Today we took a test on micro finance. I didn't think that it was very hard and I think that it was a good way to get some extra points in the class. Before, Mr. Schick gave us some time to study our notes. I think he did this because it had a lot to do on Kiva. Some of the questions asked for like specific number answers. When I turned it in I was almost positive that I got a 100% and if I didn't I was 100% positive that I at least got an A. After Arri was done Mr. Schick went over and graded all of our tests. After he announced what we got I found out that I got a 100%! I was very happy that I got a 100% because that will very much help out my grade. I was about 1 of 3 that got a 100% on the test and it will most likely bring my grade up to an A.

I hope we go over microfinance more on Monday because I think we need to learn more about it.