Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Test Today


Today in class we took our test. During the mod before I realized that it was probably going to be really hard and ask a lot about the leaders. I thought that it may only be like a matching to the leaders to the country, but I was wrong. So on my off mod i updated my blog even more, just in case. Mr. Schick was there though. He told us that we could use our blogs. I was so happy because for a second I thought that I was going to do really bad. After that I was a bit relieved. With the blog I thought that the test was very easy. I was the first one done so I beat Grace which is all that matters. I think that I did fairly well. Not sure that I got a 100%, but I am very confident in myself that I got a good grade.

That is all that I did today and I will do more on Monday!

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