Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mr. Schick's Childhood


Today in class we did nothing productive. This is always great though. Today we talked about Mr. Schick and all of the things that he did in school. Most of the stories were him being a bad kid and how he used to throw things in class, then get in trouble. He told a story about how he used to throw gumby across the room to his friend and try to not get the teacher to see. Another thing was that he didn't do this just once, but he did it twice. Another thing that he did was that he went to the bathroom one time and flush the toilets so much that he overflowed all of them. Eventually the water from the toilets came all of the way out into the hallway. I thought that all of the these stories were hilarious and a bunch of other people to share stories of their own which were also funny. I have a story that I wanted to tell in class but did not get too, hopefully I may be able to share it when we all get back from Thanksgiving Break! I'm so glad that we won't have classes for another 5 days and when we come back we will be close to exams. When we come back I should start getting ready for our Human Geo Exam and hope to do great on that.

I so glad for the break and next Human Geo class on Monday I hope is great

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