Friday, November 22, 2013

Sub Today!


Today Mr. Schick wasn't here! This was a shame because toady was the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination. I thought that if he was here would could have a discussion on this topic. I saw a show last night that was questioning the assassination and was talking about certain police and crime scene investigators still trying to find out if there was only one shooter or multiple. Instead of doing something fun like this we had to finish the game that we had started. I was still confused on the game and I think that it is actually a really bad way for us to understand the topic. I know that sometimes the people don't listen to him talk or doesn't copy down any notes, but I don't think that this was a very good way to learn the topic. I hope that when we finish all of this game nonsense that we actually learn more about the topic because I don't completely grasp the topic and I think that Mr. Schick could explain it much better than this game can. I hope that on Monday we can talk about this game and actually learn more about the topic and talk about the questions that we were given on the sheet that he handed out a couple days ago.

I hope that Monday's class is much better because we didn't learn much and I hope we talk more about the topic at hand Monday.

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