Monday, November 4, 2013

Test Today


Today in Human Geo we took a test. I think I did pretty well because I studied hard. This will be a good grade to start off with for the quarter. It was a bit unfair that the other class got 2 chances to do the test, but apparently we "got a longer time to study." When we didn't even see all of the power points. However, I think that I did very well. There was one question that I wasn't sure about and after I was done I looked and I was wrong. That was the only one that I think I got wrong though. I hope to get at least an A on this to get off to a good start to this quarter. I only have blogs in so far and this will keep my grade as an A. The test wasn't too hard, but I think that it was harder than I thought it was going to be.

I'm glad that I think I didn't get too many wrong and I'll start the quarter great.

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