Monday, November 25, 2013

Micro-finance Powerpoint!


Today we started a micro-finance power point. This wasn't like any other power point though. Mr. Schick made a blank presentation and our class had to fill in all of the slides. We all thought that this would be an easy thing to do. Even Mr. Schick thought that this would work. Unfortunately, the other class that did this power point had no problems coordinating with each other and they got most of the power point done. Our class however couldn't coordinate at all. We tried to make a list of topics for the power points, Erica, Grace, and I. Even though we did this no one coordinated. I think the lot of the blame goes to Arri. He is honestly no help and ended up just yelling at Grace when she was trying to help him. So this class definitely did not go as planned and I hope tomorrow's class is better.

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