Friday, October 18, 2013

AP Human Geo Test


Today we took an AP test for Human Geography. The score on the test wouldn't affect your grade though. Instead, we are using it to see how much we know. When we take another test at the end of the year, we can now compare our final scores to this test and see how much we have learned. I didn't get far at all on the test. I think if I had another class period I would have finished. It was too bad that Mr. Schick wasn't there today, because today's class wasn't fun. I thought the test was a bit difficult. Mostly because I just simply did not know a lot of it. For a good amount of the questions I guessed too. I think that this big test really gave us an idea of what we would be doing later in Human Geography. From what I have seen it doesn't seem like it will be easy. 

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