Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cultural Geography


Today Mr. Schick ranted. He ranted about wars, specifically religious wars. Well we first learned that religion can be both unifying and dis unifying force. There are 5 major religions and those are Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Most religions in the world have a sort of nationalism approach. Nationalism is the belief that your country is superior to all others. In this case I think that a lot of people believe this for their country and also, their religion. Not all religions feel this way, but I think this is what really starts many of the religious wars. There are some religions like Buddhism that will allow you to still believe in God and be a Buddhist. Since there are millions of followers in certain religions a lot of them are going to want to speak there mind and sometime offend people of other religions. 

We will be talking more on this topic tomorrow

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