Monday, October 21, 2013

Mr. Schick's Vacation


Well today we focused more on cultural geography. It was a sad day because Spirit Week was over which means we miss some classes and some are shortened and stuff. Mr. Schick told us about how he went to Emerson in Boston to visit his daughter. It sounded pretty fun. First, he told us about he saw his daughter, who studies journalism at the university, Emerson, but Mr. Schick's "adventures" had just begun. He was in her dorm and heard the sounds of the Red Sox game because it was right near Fenway. Well he decided to go over and check it out. He saw all of the news crew cars and stuff. He said that he wanted to go inside and there was a gap in the fencing. So he just walked in like he owned the place. He said hi to the cops and just walked in. He ended up getting to meet a man who he emailed later and said if his daughter needed an internship he would put a good word in for her. So it seems like he had a good trip

We will be talking about Cultural Geography again next class.

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