Monday, October 7, 2013

Ending of God Grew Tired of Us

Hello, I was told to write an epic blog so.. here it is.

      So today we finished God Grew Tired of Us, after watching it for 4 classes. In today's part, Daniel wants to go to a community college, but since he doesn't have the money he enrolls in the Work Core. This allows him to get a job and lets him enroll in college. Although this makes him leave his home with the Lost Boys and stay in the college's dormitories. John Bul also receives a letter that is from his mother and sisters that says they are still alive. The only problem is that they are living in a Ugandan refugee camp. The camp is not doing well and his family is naked and ill. After hearing this John believes he has not choice, but to skip the college that he was going to attend and juggle 3 jobs at a time. He decides to do this because he wants his family to come to America, because the conditions in Uganda are so bad for them. He sends money to them from America so they can get food, medicine, clothes, and come to America. Soon one of the "lost boys" that traveled with them was reported missing. He was found a few days later in bad shape and got arrested because he was mentally unstable. Eventually he was admitted into a psyciatric hospital for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Many of the lost boys were suffering from this because they were reliving the times of the war in Sudan. All of the lost boys soon try to get in contact with their families to see if they are still alive. One of the lost boys starts a walk in Syracuse to tell people about their country and to tell them about the war. Sudan later came to the agreement to because North Sudan and South Sudan. They divided the countries by religion, which was the reason that they had been fighting. After the walk all of the lost boys have a reunion in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The lost boys at this point have now been living in America for over 3 years. Panther graduates from high school and gets his official diploma and thinks about going back to Africa to go marry his long-time girlfriend back in Africa and help the people of his village. John Bul then travels to Phoenix because he has been elected the secretary of the lost boys. The whole organization is being formed to raise money and and help the lost boys and girls survive. The oraganization also tells many people about the situation they have and many of the lost boys tell their stories and how they came to America and what they saw in Sudan. After much contact with his family John Bul finally gets his to see his mother and sister after being separated for over 17 years. John tells the press and they are there for the loving reunion. His mother and sister come and his mother is so over joyed to see him that she collapses of happiness. She later skips through the airport singing songs because she is just so joyed to see her son. After this Panther packs his bags for Africa to go and marry his girlfriend and see his homeland. After marrying his girlfriend he reunited with his mother and brother and returned to America. There he earned his Bachelor's Degree in Economics and plans to go back to his homeland and build a school there for the children to be properly educated. John Bul continues to support his family. He founded a non-profit organization that will eventually build a medical facility in his hometown, Duk, Sudan. Daniel continues to in Pittsburg, is still enrolled in the Job Corps and is taking classes at a community college. However, he has yet to locate any members of his family. 

      This documentary was in a word, fantastic. The dedication to film something like this is absolutley outstanding. It took over 4 years to film it and that doesn't even include editing it and everything else. That is just outstanding. We have a quiz tomorrow on it and I believe that I am very prepared. I can't wait to see what we do next

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