Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Population and Migration Pt. 2


Today we talked more about the population charts. We also talked more about the 3 types; the X-Mas Tree, The Box, and The Cup. We took a look at a lot of the countries that have different types of populations. Many of the population charts had to do with something special like we took a look at Ann Arbor, Michigan today. The 20-24 age group was fairly high because in Ann Arbor there is a huge college; Michigan University. It is a great school and has one of the largest football stadiums in the country! That's even include professional stadiums! Populations in towns can be highly affected by something this small like a college. Another place we looked at was a fort in North Carolina. The 30-35 age group in both men and women were huge because it was a military town which is why there was an extremely low number of older people living there. This just shows you what a small thing can do to a places population.

We have a quiz on Friday and I hope I get an A on it! Can't wait for next class!

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