Monday, October 28, 2013

Judaism PowerPoint Presentation!


Today we worked on a PowerPoint presentation. We all had to get into groups and make a Powerpoint about different religions, there was Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. The religion that we got to look at was Judaism. I think that I learned a lot more about the culture than I had previously known of. Mr. Schick gave us some good topics to branch off of which was nice, so were wren't just putting random stuff down in the presentation. My group I believe got some great facts and all kinds of things about Judaism. Our presentation ending up being about 13 slides long so I hope that's enough. We only had one day to research it, but I think that we got a lot of useful information about the religion. We will be presenting them tomorrow, which I think will take most of the class. It will also teach everyone about the religion that the group studied so we can learn more about the 5 major religions in the world.

I hope our presentation goes well!

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