Friday, October 25, 2013

Cultural Geography Quiz


Today in Human Geo we took a quiz. We had a quiz because many people requested it because some grades weren't the ones they wanted. So he had this quiz to give us another chance to get some points. I forgot that we had a quiz, until this morning. Grace sent us a little quiz that didn't really help. I studied all of my notes in Advisory and in the class before because we had a sub. I think I was well prepared and the test wasn't that hard. It wasn't really easy and I think I could have studied more, but it wasn't too hard. I think I got a good grade and I may even get a *DING* for getting an A. I wont know for sure what I got, but doing this test was good to get extra point because the quarter closes today so I may have just gotten an A to bring my grade up a bit before the quarter ends. We will be talking more about Cultural Geography on Monday.

I hope I got an A!

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