Friday, October 11, 2013



Today in class we took a quiz. I think the quiz was a little easy. I hope I did well and I think that I did. After that we didn't have that much time left because some people took a while to finish the quiz, so we talked a little more about KIVA. KIVA is an organization that allows you to loan to someone that needs money in a struggling country to get something like clothes, food supplies, and even college tuition. The great thing is that eventually you will get repaid your money when the person can pay off the loans that people gave them. People usually go and give a loan to someone else with that money then. I think this website is actually pretty amazing when I think about it is that you can make a loan to someone from another country around the world. I think if you did this as a class or school it really could make a difference in many people around the world's life.

This is a great thing to do for people and I can't wait to learn more about KIVA and maybe even make my own account.

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